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Mods Loaded

US West Coast Friendly - 2x 

  • Furnace Splitter - Makes the hassle of preparing furnaces a thing of the past. Simply put your ores into the furnace and they will be split up into a configurable amount of stacks. 

  • Code Sync - Will allow players to use a single lock code across an entire base, with the code from the tool cupboard being synced to and set on all other code locks attached to the building as they are used.

  • Everlight - Allows infinite light from configured objects without consuming or using any fuel resources, such as tuna can lamps/ Chinese lanterns etc. 

  • Quick Smelt - Shortens the time it takes to smelt resources in furnaces 

  • Sign Artist - Allows players to copy an image from a web address or a local file and paint the image onto a sign or picture frame. 

  • Gather Manager - This sets the gather rate of various ores. This server is set at 2x normal gather rates.

  • Skip Night Vote - Allows players to vote to skip nights

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